Thursday, April 28, 2011

Food for Thought Thursday - 20 Things More Dangerous Than Lead in Toys

I have to admit that when I saw this article earlier this week, the title really got my attention: Top 20 things that are more dangerous to children than lead paint in Mattel toys. And it turns out the article is a wonderful read. Although we don't use anything on the "Top 20" list, I found the article to be very thought-provoking and liked his description of the American media as "amusingly irrational when it comes to reporting scare stories."

It really made me think . . . why was the Mattel story such a big deal when there are so many companies who knowingly use dangerous materials in their products every day? Why are we so scared of lead and not scared enough of other toxic substances? And why do we scream at the top of our lungs about unsafe products made in China yet turn a blind eye towards environmental toxins produced right here in the USA?

For us, the 20 items on this list were (for the most part) cut out long before the Sprouts arrived and the makeover in our diet came later (and much more gradually). I suppose it's easier to give up dryer sheets than cheese.

All in all, I think the article does a great job of pointing out that, just as with our food choices, it's up to us to look past the TV commercials and do real research on which products are safe for you and your family.

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